The Lord your God is with you. He is MIGHTY TO SAVE. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas Eve
Praying that your Christmas is blessed and that the birth of our Savior touches your heart in a new way this special season!
"At that time the Roman emperor, Augustus, decreed that a census should be taken throughout the Roman Empire. (This was the first census taken when Quirinius was governor of Syria.) All returned to their own ancestral towns to register for this census. And because Joseph was a descendant of King David, he had to go to Bethlehem in Judea, David's ancient home. He traveled there form the village of Nazareth in Galilee. He took with him Mary, his fiancee, who was now obviously pregnant.
And while they were there, the time came for her baby to be born. She gave birth to her first child, a son. She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no lodging available for them.
That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord's glory surrounded them. They were terrified , but the angel reassured them. "Don't be afraid!" he said, "I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior-yes, the Messiah, the Lord-has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! And you will recognize him by this sign: you will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger."
Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others-the armies of heaven-praising God and saying,
"Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and peace on earth to those with
whom God is pleased."
Luke 2:1-14 New Living Translation
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Concerts, concerts, concerts!
Friday, December 5, 2008
My new 'do
So, my family is getting ready to have our annual family pictures done and I decided to get my hair cut. Here is the new look.....
Not that much different except that she layered it again and it is slightly shorter...I like it.
Am thinking of getting the highlights redone as they are pretty grown out but don't know if I want to go with red/burgandy lights or the light brown.
Decisions, decisions!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Turkey Day Craziness!
I must explain the video. What had occurred was that all of us were on a walk after our overindulgence in turkey, gravy, stuffing, sweet potatoes, and cranberry. As we were on our way back to the house, my Aunt's husband Jesse found this tube thing and decided that it would be tons of fun for the kids to go rolling down the hill in it. Key word: THE KIDS! My cousin Becky (who is 1 year older than me I must say!) decided that she wanted to try it out. I choose to be the videographer! What a video it turned out to be! It is a bit shakey as I was laughing so hard throughout the entire time so you'll just have to look past that! The video that my cousin Marissa took after this roll had me laughing so hard that I had to cross my legs lest I loose a little something! Too bad you can't see that one!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Black Friday
Which of you are crazy like me and are going out tomorrow morning to brave the weather, the crowds, and the insaneness (is that a word?!) of the first official shopping day of the Christmas season? I love to do this! I don't know just gets me in the mood for Christmas and I just like to be out! Most people don't but I don't mind. So some of the things on the list for tomorrow are as follows:
1. Bible for me (34.99 as opposed to 69.99 is what is drawing me in on that one) because my current one is beginning to fall apart. I am so sad to retire this one as it has so much in it that chronicles my walk with the Lord for the last 10 years or so! I just am attached to it a bit! I do however look forward to what God will teach me in the new one and what changes my life will bring over the years that I am using it! How blessed we are that we have the opportunity to own more than one bible especially when belivers in other parts of the globe cannot even get their hands on one...THANK YOU LORD FOR THE BLESSING THAT YOU'VE GIVEN US AND THE PRIVILIGED POSITION THAT WE ARE IN! LET US NOT BECOME PRIDEFUL AND HELP US TO ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE THE TRUE MEANING OF OUR LIVES!
2. 1cent Webkinz toys for the little boys and girl in my life. The local christian store is selling them for 1cent to the first 100 shoppers...can you believe that!!!! Little nephews and niece will be happy!
3. Digital photo frame at Target for 29.99! That is a pretty good buy if you asked me! The person receiving this gift will enjoy it as digital photos are new and she has yet to discover how to display all those photos! Hopefully this will help....
And whatever else I may find that will serve as a good gift for those I love!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
So Cold In My House!
Just had to jump on here today and tell you that it is soooo cold in my house! The thermostat reads 57* and I am determined NOT to turn on the heater yet! I am trying to see how long I can go without turning on the heater for a few reasons. The first being that it cost a fortune to heat this 3 bedroom house when there is only 1 person in it! So financial is the primary reason. The second reason is that I am stubborn that way and want to see how long I can ride it out!
So to warm up...I've lit candles, made oatmeal this morning, and will bake just about anything that I can (turning on the oven really does heat up at least the kitchen!). I even took a bath (closed the door for the steamy effect...very warm!) It really did warm me up so now I am nice and toasty in my warm sweats! Now I just need to stay that way!
Guess I am going to have to turn the heat on soon!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Matthew West Concert and World Vision
This past weekend I had the privilige of attending a Matthew West concert 2 nights in a row for free! I was a volunteer at the World Vision table to help get kids signed up with sponsors. It was so much fun and so wonderfully encouraging. And the concert was a great added bonus!
God is so good. I had wanted to attend the concert but with finances a bit tight right now had resigned to the fact that I was not going to be able to attend then on Friday evening I received a phone call from the people at World Vision asking if I'd help out with the sponsorship table and that I'd be able to get into the concert and see it for free! Not only that...I was going to be able to bring friends and family to help out also and they would be treated to the concert also!
It was an awesome night of great music, fellowship, service, and fun!
Here are a few photos for your viewing pleasure!!!
Julie, Griselda, Matthew West, and me! What a fun night!!
Here we are hard at work. That's me, Ling, Dean, and Susie.
Playing around at the table. Me, Ling, Dean and Susie again!
Matthew West in concert...what a wonderfully gifted performer!
This is Josh Wilson. He opened for Matthew West and I must
saw that he is an incredibly talented young performer!
Can't wait to hear more from him.
*Update on photos: These photos are from the second night!
Matthew West singing his heart out!
My sweet sister in law Kendra, me, and my ever faithful concert buddy Julie!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Me and Mr. Graham
On this 7th day of November, I have entered the 33rd year of my life and Mr. Graham has entered his 90th. I am not putting this out there to bring attention to my birthday or to bask in selfish pride...I just wanted to share with you all in one of the special little gifts that God has given me. This day that I celebrate the moment He gave me life is the same day that He gave Billy Graham life. For a girl whose life has been marked by a feeling of unworthiness and lack of acceptance...God's little gift of my shared birthday with one of the greatest men on the face of this Earth will ALWAYS bring a smile to my face and a love deep in my heart. Even when He decides to call Billy Graham home I will always treasure that God brought us both into this world on the same day.
Thank you Lord for another year of life for me and for the 90 years that you've given Billy Graham...I ask that you would continue to work in both of our lives no matter how many days we have left. Thank you for your tender love for me and for the ways that you show me just how much you love me! Let me shine your light each and every day!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
We're Off To See The Wizard, The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz!
Dorothy (me) and the Cowardly Lion (julie)
The whole group! The Wicked Witch (jenny lynn), Antie Em (pat)
Flying Monkey (jaylen), Dorothy (me), Cowardly Lion (julie)
Emerald Queen (naiyana), Scarecrow (xochitl), Tin Man (craig)
Glenda (melisa).
More pics....Jaylen looked so cute! He even had black feather
Jenny Lynn and Craig in character...they both
were a bit frightening to the little children!
Me, Julie and Jenny Lynn in front of the Emerald City.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Candy Corn and Little Pumpkins
And these are an absolute favorite!!!!
So... I need to know, do you like these little sugary treats too?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
One Boot, Two Boot, Brown Boot, Pink Boot....
Not the greatest picture as little girl is asleep and Marc's shirt was just a little dirty!
But it is one of her in her BOOTS!
Isn't she just precious?!
Auntie Bethany thinks so!!!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
So Long No Post
Julie's cousin gave us a little concert! Very fun!
Julie and her niece Rachel
Here we are at the event. We were able to sit
pretty close to the stage!
My favorite new musician! Travis Cottrell
Max Lucado. He spoke of the wonderful words
of John 3:16.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Puppy Dogs and Tetnus Shots
How are all of you out there in bloggy land? I hope that my title to this post has caught your attention because I just have to fill you in on what occurred in the Silva household this weekend.
Yesterday morning (that would be my planned relaxing and restful Saturday morning) I went out front to water my badly cared for flowers and what do I see but this absolutely ADRORABLE little white puppy dog...I could tell that he was running around and that he did not belong to anyone on my court so I called him over. It did not take him more than a few seconds to decide that I was harmless and run straight over to greet me with a big slobbery kiss and commenced to jump all over my white bathrobe with little muddy paws.....OH he was sooooo cute! I was a little saddened to discover that he did not have a collar with a name badge or home address because had he, I would have called right away....(btw, those collars are absolutely wonderful because they help animal lovers like me help get lost puppies and kitties back home)....suffice it say....little snowball did not have any contact information. I played outside with him for a while....discovered that he liked my nephew Cole's red ball and was running like a child on sugar overload all over the lawn. He was HYPER!!!!. Around 10:00 I had to leave to go take a picture for my church directory so I just left him outside. I had forgotten about him until much later in the afternoon when my doorbell rang. It was my neighbor holding this crazy little puppy and asking if he belonged to me.....(funny how all the neighbors think that all the animals belong to me...I don't have THAT many!). I assurred her that he did not belong to me but since he was still hanging out in our court that I'd put him into the back yard and take a few photos of him and post them up on a "found puppy" flyer (bad, bad....see myself getting a new puppy out of this!).....My plan was going ok (putting him in the backyard) until he saw my cat Sadie.....He took off after her like a wild jackrabbit! She got so scared that she ran up a tree and then GOT STUCK IN IT!.....At this point I decide that mr. snowball is not going to stay in my backyard after all....I can't have princess Sadie upset!!!!! So I grab him up and head to the gate with him in my arms....keep in mind that I don't know anything about this dog (like, does he have rabies?!!!!), so I am trying to keep him happy while he is in my arms so that I don't get bit! I get to the gate, which is closed, and rather than put him down, decide to kick the gate open....mind you, I don't have any shoes on at this point! As I begin to kick the gate open I feel a sharp prick to my left big toe and begin to think words that should not come out of the mouth of a good Christian woman! I get mr. snowball out the gate and shut it closed and hobble my way to the front step....As I sit down to check out my injury I discover that there is a little bit of blood on the spot that I hit the nail on and begin total freak out! The nail was rusty... and I start to think "hmmmm....when was my last tetnus shot?".
So I try not to worry too much about it and go inside, clean it, and put antibiotic ointment on it and go about my day. Later that evening I was talking to a friend and she says that I should most definatley go in and get a tetnus shot. At this point it is late and there is not an urgent care open that I can go to...and I am not about to go to the ER! I decide to wait until this morning and check on it. I felt completely fine this morning....fine enough to go to church and then home for a while....Around 3:30 I decide that it really is in my best interest to go into the urgent care and have this little injury checked out. Come to find out that the last known tetnus shot that I had was in I do believe that it was time for me to get a new one!
So that was my weekend friends! As for the puppy dog....he never came back! And I now have a very sore arm!!!
Oh....the joys of daily life! There never is a dull moment.....
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Meeting Isaac
Isaac sleeping peacefully....
Evan and Matt with Matt's new toy!!!
I LOVE this picture!!!! Matt and Evan
walking side by side.
My beautiful sister in law, Helena
and Evan outside.
Aunt Bethany and baby Isaac....he was not so
Isn't he a cutie?! He has these really big eyes
and likes to roll his tongue around quite a bit!
New addition to the Silva Family....Mr. Isaac
Matthew Silva!
Say CHEESE!!!!!
Evan drinking Mott's Apple Juice
for Totts! Did you know that such
a thing existed?!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Some Pictures of Isaac
Friday, September 12, 2008
Isaac Matthew Silva
He was born at 5:33 this morning and weighed in at a whopping 7lbs 4oz and is 20 inches long. I still have not met the little guy as I think that I am coming down with a cold (or suffering from allergies) and don't want to expose him. But I hope to get down there soon so that I can smell his sweet baby smell and cuddle him close!

Mr. Cutie Pie Isaac....already sucking his fingers!
That is one mighty big hand little guy!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Dentist Visit
And for the rest of this post....I went to the dentist this afternoon. I had 2 cavities that needed to be filled and listen to this....I only had one done! My dentist has a really hard time numbing me up when it comes to the bottom teeth. So now I am home with one tooth finished and the other tooth completely numb now! He gave me so much numbing stuff that the side of my head and ear are numb too! I've never had it turn out this way so was a little freaked out! It's been an hour now so the numbing is starting to taper off. I can't wait until it is totally gone! Hate that feeling. I had to schedule ANOTHER appointment to get this lower tooth taken care of.
Hope that everyone out there in blog land is doing well.....remember that God is in control...if life seems chaotic and crazy, just trust Him and it will all come together! That is what I am trying to do!!!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
7 Pounds 7 Ounces of Pure Joy!!!!
She's here!!!!!!
K was born at 4am this morning and weighs 7lb 7oz. I don't know yet what her length is but will find out very soon.
Marc and Kendra ended up coming to my house last night around 10 or so and she labored here until 1:30 in the morning. I gave them my room so that they could be more comfortable and so that Cole could sleep comfortably. I took the couch in the living room....thank goodness it is super comfortable! Around 1:30 in the morning Marc woke me up and said that they were going to go to the I stayed here with Cole. I was hoping that little missy would not be born so quickly as I really wanted to be present for her birth (I was there for Cole's birth) but she had other plans!
I've still not seen her but my mom has and said that she has black hair and is really red.....poor baby! Poor mommy!!!!
Coley Bean is still sleeping so my plan today is to take a shower....wait for little bean to wake up, give him a bath, and head over to meet Kensley.
I will post pictures when I get some later.
Check back later.....the saga will most definately continue!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Kensley's On Her Way!!!
As of 9:14pm tonight, my niece Kensley is on her way into this world. My sister in law is having contractions 7 minutes apart and is going to head over to the hospital in a hour or so. Her doctor want's her to wait until the contractions are 5 minutes apart to go to the hospital.
I am so excited to meet my niece!!!!!!
Over the last few days I've been reading in my bible study (Believing God by Beth Moore) about what "faith" is and how part of having faith in God is believing Him for miracles. Psalm 139 talks about how God has known each person born on the face of this Earth from the moment of conception and how He saw each unformed body and has watched each child grow to the point that He so desires (that which reflects His will and good purpose). I am so taken by the fact that not only does God love ME in such a way but that He has been watching and is anxiously awaiting the arrival of my niece KENSLEY in the same way. He knows when exactly she will be born and knows all that is going to occur during her birth.
There is a bit of anxiety about this upcoming birth....for Kendra and for my family (me especially). Kendra has already had one baby (my nephew Cole) and is nervous because she knows what awaits her. I am nervous for her because my relationship with her has really deepened over the last 2 years.....I just don't want to see her in such pain....I love her and hate to see those whom I love in pain. Especially the pain of childbirth.....
So if you would, could you please say a prayer for all of us tonight and tomorrow. Please pray that Kendra would have a swift and manageable delivery....that Kensley would be healthy.....that Cole would be "good" over the next day or so while his mommy is preoccupied!.....that Marc would be a good support to Kendra.....and that I would rest in the soverignty and plan of the Lord.
I will keep the blog updated as things progress.....
Talk Soon!!!!
Auntie Bethie
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Random Thoughts And Some Confussion
I had a pretty restful day although unproductive by my standards and expectations. I had planned to go to the store and get a few necessary items but it is almost 5pm and I have not yet gone....still planning to go but just can't get moving.
I was also supposed to catch up on my bible study (Believing God by Beth Moore) but not "feeling" too into that either....I don't know what is going on with me today....guess I'm feeling a little bluesy......really should get to the bible study because I know that when I spend time in the Word and with God that I typically feel better and my emotions come more under the control of the Holy Spirit.
Some of my frustration and confussion today is with deciding on where to go to church. As for tomorrow I am going to go to BVG because I know that there is a special service planned and I really want to be at it but for future weekends....I don't know where to go. I forgot to mention that BVG is 45 miles away from my house and about an hour commute. I love the church but am having such issues with the commute and the finances needed to travel that far weekly. And also am concerned with if it is possible to be in community with people who are not a part of my living or work community.
I've been praying about it but don't feel like God is clearly directing me where to go. Just feel so unsure right now. I know that the Lord is good and that He is in control of my why does my life sometimes feel so out of control?!
One thing that I know about myself is that I don't like change and this search for a new church has been nothing but major change for the last 8 months....guess I'm just getting weary and tired of trying to figure it out. Maybe that is where I am going wrong....trying to figure it all out on my own.
If you read this and if you have any suggestions or words of encouragement please feel free to post one!
Your Weary Sister in Christ
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I'm a good sport though so here goes....
The Rules:
Link to the person who tagged you (check!)
Mention the rules on your blog (doing that, check!)
List 6 unspectacular quirks (to follow below, almost check!)
Tag 6 bloggers by linking to them on your post them commenting them to let them know "there it!" (might be a little difficult as I am a newbie but will attempt, check in process!)
Ok so now the 6 unspectacular things about myself:
1. I am addicted to books of all kinds....children's books, romance novels (good clean ones!), mystery, and historical fiction, also LOVE all books by Francine Rivers! I like books about the Amish and like to read about women in the Middle East. I guess I could say "Hello, I'm Bethany and I'm a book addict!".
2. I have 2 kitties that I rescued from certain death at an unsaid pet location (commonly referred to as the pound!) My kitties are big grown girls now and provide me with hours upon hours of entertainment! Their names are Sadie and Zoe. Sadie is very independent and only comes around when she wants to (this is the baby that I bottle feed for weeks and wiped her bottom to get her to pee for the first time!....ungrateful little creature!!!!). My Zoe is my baby girl....she meows like a little kitten still and sleeps on my bed every night!
3. I love peanut butter and banana sandwiches on wheat bread! (random I know but that is what this post is all about!)
4. I hate clothes shopping (enough said)!
5. I attend church 45 miles away from my home! Crazy, yes I know, but it is what it is for this particular moment in my life. I'm trusting God to lead me along His path and I don't understand why that path consists of a 90 mile round trip to church each weekend but I am following Him!
6. I like to watch CMT videos all afternoon on Saturday! Grew up on country music and it will forever be in my bones even though I am a California Girl! for the 6 tag buddies (could only come up with 3....sad, so sad!)
1. First will be my friend from the summer bible study No Other Gods, Miss Bethany at A Beautiful Mess. She is such a neat gal but has not been updating her head her way and show her some bloggie love!
2. Second will be Miss Sherry at Life at the Parsonage. Thank you girl for your comment on my blog....I hope that we can be blog buddies.
3. Third will be Miss Katie from Tennessee....she has a blog and has commented on my, here's to you miss Katie. I hope that you'll enjoy participating and come back over to my blog!
4. Fourth will be Miss Mitzi(my fellow CA. girl!), at California Dreamin . Thanks for your prayers Mitzi! We are surviving by the grace of the Lord!
OK....time to get to work now....I do have some curriculum updating that I need to get to work on! So enough of the blogging for now!
Friday, August 22, 2008
First Week of School Thoughts and Reflections week of school is now officially under my belt! We made it through an incredibly crazy week! I re-read my last post and I chuckled slightly at how blissful my post sounded recalling such a wonderful first day back. LET ME TELL YOU....... my little munchkins had a very short honeymoon period. It only lasted one day!!!!!!! Day two was back to "normal" which would include behaviors such as crying, screaming, flopping to the floor, being lost in what we call "autism land", and lots and lots and lots of noisyness (is that how to spell it?!). I had forgotten all the noises that little children with autism can make! Things like deep growls, high pitched squeals, echos of whatever conversation they hear, scripts of various cartoons and the oh so popular Disney movies....and of course, the crying, crying, crying!
I'd also forgotten the sweet things like how they walk around on their tippy toes, how they flap their little arms so much so that they look like little birds attempting to fly the nest, how they come right up into your face cupping it in their little chubby hands and put their forehead right up to yours! How they give you a "backwards" hug (backing up into you to lean against you) and how you have to turn them around and say "give me a REAL hug!", how exciting it is when you get that one little word out of them such as Oreo, Swing, or Go when they want something. It shows that their precious little souls are in there and that they are not completely "detached from reality and the world around them". When they connect with you....oh, how wonderful it truly is! It can make you cry.
As I ponder the privilige and ministry that the Lord has given me in these children....I am humbled. He continually shows me that whatever we do for the least of these we are doing for HIM! I pray that He will continue to see me fit to care for these little ones, to love and support their parents and families, and in doing so, I would bring Him glory in all that I do.
Lord, let me never forget that I am your servant! Thank you for my ministry to these children. Work in our lives every day in them (you know what I am asking Lord). Give them security so that they are not afraid, help me to help them when they experience sensory overload, and give me patience Lord...fill me with so much LOVE for them that I see them as you do....not through my sometimes prideful and critical human perspective.
Monday, August 18, 2008
First Day of School
If you feel so inclined I would love it if you would pray for my students individually. I wish that I could post a picture of them but due to confidentiality issues cannot. But you can know their names so if you feel lead, please pray for my kids:
Adam (to start in Sep.)
Notice the biblical theme for names....Hmmmmm.......wonder what God has in store for me this year? One thing that is for certain, He will most definately cause me to think of Him and His Word even when I am calling my students by name.
I started a new bible study this morning called "Believing God" by Beth Moore. A part of the study involves paying attention to what God is doing in my daily life and recording it down in the evening as a God Stop (S.avoring T.he O.bservable P.resence). I definately saw God today in my classroom. He was there helping us get going and was in the calm of my students. He is so good to me time and time again!
Friday, August 8, 2008
My First Ticket!!!!
Bye Bye Summer Vacation....

Me, JoFawna, Kevin, Brad, Gaby, and Jenny Lynn
in Monterey.

Evan at the SF Giants Game
Me and my cat Zoe. She looks posessed!
Introducing.....Mr. Gizmo, the Schelby School
A6 Hamster!!!!
Sadie drinking cute!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Steven Curtis Chapman On GMA
Just wanted to let you know that Steven Curtis Chapman is going to be on Good Morning America tomorrow. Please pray for him as he is given the opportunity to share the good news of the Gospel of Christ with such a vast audience.
As you all probably remember, SCC's little daughter Maria was killed as the result of an accident in the family driveway in May. This will be his first interview since Maria's death. He will also be on Lary King Live either tonight or tomorrow night.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Going to the Dentist
Guess what I got to do today? Go to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned! Yeah....they are all smooth and feeling clean. I love the way my teeth feel after a cleaning but hate how they feel while they are working on me! I've just not got down the proper way to floss I guess! I was a little sad to find out that I have 2 new cavities :( But hearing that news was a whole lot better than hearing that I need another root canal! Thank you Lord that it is only small cavities!
Only 8 more days left of my summer sad. And to end my summer with a bang...I decide to fill my last week of vacation with dr. appointments (dr. propes today and dr. johnston on friday....finalllllllly going to inquire about my tummy troubles). Guess that I probably should start planning some stuff for the new school year!!!! I'll get to it, I promise.
Hope that you're having a great day!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
LPL Beth Moore Simulcast 2008
I had the wonderful privilige of attending the Beth Moore Living Proof Live Simulcast at Yosemite Church on Friday night and Saturday morning.
It was an amazing time of worship, study, and bonding in the way that only we females can do! (through tears, coffee, and hugs!). I have to say that this was the first time that I've heard Travis Cotrell and his group. He is absolutley amazing! If you'd like to hear some of his work and see highlights from a LPL event go to Beth's blog at and click on any of the LPL recap posts.
The weekend was absolutely amazing! Beth is such an annointed teacher of the precious Word of God! She is absolutely my favorite! She taught from the passage in the gospel of Luke, chapter 8, verses 1-15. Wow....I have heard this passage taught many different times and by many different godly teachers...but had not heard it taught in the way that Beth approached it this weekend.
I'll give you her main 7 points but will encourage you to read the text yourself.
1. Treasure the wonder of the Word
2. Protect your heart
3. Expect the test
4. Dig your roots
5. Stop the choke
6. Retain the word
7. Press forth to your 100 fold harvest!
So to all of you dear to my heart out there....stay in the Word! Those of you who are not familiar with's as good a time as any to start. It is the most life changing book that you will ever read! God can bring a 100 fold harvest to your life...give him your heart and watch him work miracles in your life. You may find that some of the work that He will do will be in areas of unplowed ground, and it may hurt a little (or a lot), but persevere through because the LORD*WILL*BRING*A*HARVEST!
Loving you,
Friday, August 1, 2008
New babies and Kensley's new shoes
Kensley's new boots! Yee Haw!!!!
You've got to see the bottom of them...
Green and yellow deeres just like brother!
This girl is going to be stylin!!!!
Mr. Isaac....we are going to have to find something to splurge on with you! Maybe mommy will let me go all crazy with the monkey's!!!!! Or...maybe not!
Love you babies....can't wait to see you soon....
Aunt Bethany
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Building 429 and little ones
Tonight I had the joy of attending my 3rd Building 429 concert since last August. My cousin Becky and her daughter Marissa joined me on this concert night. I know that Becky enjoyed the concert as did Marissa although her demeanor did not always suggest this! I don't think that we can place any blame on her as she is 13 and that in itself should be excuse enough!!!
The band was once again amazing! They are so fabulous and we were especially blessed tonight because they agreed to do this concert at YC for free! Of course a love offering was taken so that this band can continue on with making great music!
The lead singer of the band gave a testimony about visiting Nicaragua and meeting a little boy named Michael. Meeting Michael completely changed his world and caused him to truly "see" how important it is that we show the love of Christ to those who are less fortunate than we. Mr. Lead man visited an area of Nicaragua where the people had to walk 5 miles back and forth in order to get clean, disease free water. Because of an organization called World Vision, the little village where Michael lives a well was dug and they people now have the ability to get water right there in their village. They no longer have to walk the 10mile round trip just to provied thier babies and families with clean water! We so take it for granted, don't we? I know that I certainly do. How easy it is for me to simply turn on the faucet in the kitchen, bathroom, and outside and let water flow freely, even wastefully sometimes. As some you may know, I sponser 2 little children through these orgainizations (WV, and Compassion International). Their names are Barnabas and Nathalia. Barnabas is in Africa and Nathalia is in Brazil. I get so much joy from supporting and praying for these children and their families. It is so not about the money...believe me! The joy of showing the love of Christ to complete strangers is a precious gift and I am so honored to be able to serve the Lord in this way!
Here's a question for what way has God allowed you to serve others and how has it changed/affected your life? You don't have to support a child across the may be simply providing a box of crackers for that lonely old man that you see outside the walmart. It may also be chasing after your nieces and nephews. Or maybe your in the field of teaching like I am and realize that we are serving our students each and every day. We just don't always recognize it.
Some food for thought for you all.
Here are some pictures from the evening.
Becky and Marissa
Bethany and Becky
Mr. Lead Singer of Building 429
It's your turn to sing crowd.....