Happy Fall Y'all!
Ok...I realize that I really cannot say that as I am not a southern girl at all. Born and raised in sunny California there is a southern belle deep in my heart!
So...I must tell you that this is my absolute most favorite time of year! The days are shorter, the nights begin to get cooler, and the sun goes down earlier and earlier! The crisp days of fall are beginning to arrive. I LOVE that I need a sweater in the morning and my blanket on the bed at night! I also love that this is the time of year to start eating crisp sweet apples with caramel dip...YUM YUM!
But one absolute favorite food of mine this time of year is this...
And these are an absolute favorite!!!!
So... I need to know, do you like these little sugary treats too?
I'm not so much a fan of the plain candy corn, but I love mixing them with peanuts or cashews. It is a snack version of a PayDay candy bar. Very fall and very fun. Read your post on Beth Moore's blog - you are not alone dear sister. Figured I would just say 'hi' from Ohio.
May God bless you richly all Fall long,
Hey Bethany! Candy corn and baby pics. Candy and a cutie! I wanted to let you know that your prayers for my husband and I mean much to us:) I am on Week 4 of A Woman's Heart, and I will be listening to the cd of Beth's message for week 4 probably next week:) Thankyou again:)
Bless you Miss Bethany:)
Oh yes! Put some in a bowl with peanuts and it tastes like a Payday Candy Bar. Mmmmmmmmmm. :)
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