Friday, November 7, 2008

Me and Mr. Graham

Well...did you know that I and Mr. Billy Graham share a birthday?

On this 7th day of November, I have entered the 33rd year of my life and Mr. Graham has entered his 90th. I am not putting this out there to bring attention to my birthday or to bask in selfish pride...I just wanted to share with you all in one of the special little gifts that God has given me. This day that I celebrate the moment He gave me life is the same day that He gave Billy Graham life. For a girl whose life has been marked by a feeling of unworthiness and lack of acceptance...God's little gift of my shared birthday with one of the greatest men on the face of this Earth will ALWAYS bring a smile to my face and a love deep in my heart. Even when He decides to call Billy Graham home I will always treasure that God brought us both into this world on the same day.

Thank you Lord for another year of life for me and for the 90 years that you've given Billy Graham...I ask that you would continue to work in both of our lives no matter how many days we have left. Thank you for your tender love for me and for the ways that you show me just how much you love me! Let me shine your light each and every day!

1 comment:

Staci Loalbo said...

happy belated bday, hope you had a blessed day and many more to come!!