Sunday, September 21, 2008

Meeting Isaac

Hi All,
Well....yesterday I was able to travel to Clovis to meet my 3rd nephew Isaac Matthew Silva.
Can I just say right now that I am totally smitten by this new little blessing that God has given my family! He is sooooooo cute and such a doll. He is a little cranky at times due to having a little too much gas in his tummy but other than that he is absolutely precious!
His big brother Evan is oh so cute! He is not too into the idea of having a new baby brother but will adjust with time (he is only 2!). It was so nice to visit with my brother Matt and sister in law Helena....I am so blessed to have such wonderful siblings and sister in laws! I was absolutely amazed to see my little brother with his 2 boys! He is such an amazing man who I've come to admire very much!
Here are a few pictures of the new little guy and some of Matt, Evan, and Helena.....enjoy!

Isaac sleeping peacefully....

Evan and Matt with Matt's new toy!!!

I LOVE this picture!!!! Matt and Evan
walking side by side.

My beautiful sister in law, Helena
and Evan outside.

Aunt Bethany and baby Isaac....he was not so

Isn't he a cutie?! He has these really big eyes
and likes to roll his tongue around quite a bit!

New addition to the Silva Family....Mr. Isaac
Matthew Silva!

Say CHEESE!!!!!

Evan drinking Mott's Apple Juice
for Totts! Did you know that such
a thing existed?!


katiegfromtennessee said...

Fun! Getting to hold little ones is such a blessing, isn't it? Gotta love the baby smell and their little baby hair and hands and feet!:)


Staci Loalbo said...

OMG he is GORGEOUS, so is evan!! Thanks for the comment!! and BTW i think you had asked who sang that song on my blog??? i think it was you.....anyway if it was it is "Duffy" and the song is "Mercy"

Hope your having a fabulous week.