Merry Christmas to you and your's....
I was tempted to wallow in self pity this glorious morning because of the fact that I awoke to another christmas alone...but alas, God woke me early to spend some special time with Him as the sun rose. We walked a road this morning that is sometimes hard to walk...coming face to face with the truth's about my life. For one, I am alone. While I am thankful for the fact that He NEVER leaves me or forsakes me and that He DELIGHTS in me, it can be hard to be alone at such a time as this! But today I choose to rest in the knowledge that though I may be a bit lonely this Christmas, I am NOT ALONE! Praise God!
So, how did I spend my morning???
I had chai with soy milk (my favorite warm drink) in this cute little Christmas pot....

Then I delighted my viewing senses with this favorite Christmas movie.....

I've also been working on making something special out of this.....

although my little project is with black yarn with a touch of grey for added dimension!
Later I might go by my aunts house for dinner.
It is a blessed day... I am grateful for God's most amazing, loving, unimaginable gift.....
Praying that you have a wonderfully blessed day celebrating with your loved ones!
From my house to yours....
Merry Christmas!!!!