This is what she does all day!!!!

Tiare's first dance recital! She is such a doll! It was so funny/sweet/cute to watch her get so confused but not worrying one iota about it!

Marissa giving a little love to Daisy...I want this dog!

My kitty Zoe...fur baby #1

My kitty Sadie...my fur baby #2

Lazy summer days involved a certain precious 3 year old, chalk, and little bare feet!

Ladies from BVG at Living Proof Live in Stockton.
My new friend, Jen. We met at LPL in Stockton...total God Story! Will share with you all later.
Pray for Wendi...she is fighting cancer right now...thank you sweet friends :)

One thing that I loved about this summer was my many photographing opportunities...this one was captured at Kathya's house during her pool party. It will go into my God's Delight Book for sure!...what is it with me, flowers, and little critters???

Summer party at Kathya's house....here I am with my friend/coworker/sister in christ, Lynn.

Coley bean all wrapped up in his lion towel....we made great progress this summer on his bathtub behavior! This kid freaks out when water is poured over his head so I turned it into a game giving him all control (so he thought!) and told him to put his "water hat" on...worked every time!

My first flower given to me by Cole....he squeezed my heart in a such a tender way...a way only a 3 year old little boy can! I love him so much!!! My heart swells from it.....

Robin and I at the San Francisco Walk for Aids....we were a part of the group that went from Big Valley....amazing experience that I will continue to participate in.

Waiting patiently to get out of San Francisco....might as well take a photo!!

Marissa showed her lamb (#63) at the Merced Fair....made me feel old because I spent year after year living at the fairgrounds each summer from the time I was 13 until I was 19....now it is her turn....precious piece of information....Marissa used my FFA jacket from 1990....still good as ever and has not changed in style!

This is how I spent my leisure summer mornings....in the Word with my Esther study! I like to study from multiple versions. I have a parallel bible but wanted these versions.

My concert buddy!!!! Miss Julie and I...one of these days, we'll need to count up how many concerts we've been to over the course of our friendship!

Long Black Train man....you know you can just hear that deep tenor voice!

Josh Turner at the Stan. Fair....he is sweet on the eyes...he's a happily married man though (I was sad to find out!).

Stanislaus County Fair....memories of high school...I refused to ride it though because you just cannot trust those carnies like you could in high school. That in addition to the idea of my body flipping numerous times through the air....just not appealing or enticing anymore!!! Settled for a picture of the favorite ride instead :)
Wow, Miss Bethany, you have a bunch of pics! You've had a busy summer:) It looked blessed:) Your Haman's Ears Cookies looked good, when I took Esther earlier this year, the lady who hosted made those, and they were good!:)
Can't believe my photo with you made the blog! What an awesome summer you have had! YES we must meet up before Christmas!!! By then we should feel "into the groove"...these past 2 weeks have been killer!!! Blessings to you sweet friend!
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