Pics of my Marc, me, Grandma C., Lorie, and Ashley
The Cortez sisters and brother: Irma, Mary, Jr., Hortencia, and Olivia

Cole took this picture of me and my Grandma C. Not bad for a 3 year old!

Kendra made this BEAUTIFUL and yummy fruit basket...isn't it lovely?! I told her that she shoud take orders and sell them!
The following pics are just fun things that I shot while waiting for my family to return from the cemetery....
My moms wine barrel water fountain...I love this thing, it is so peaceful to sit near it and hear the water running. Funny thing, my nephew Cole was washing his face out of it on Sunday!
My parents place is full of old, large oak trees. Here is one that I was awed by because of its enormous size....this pic will definately get into my God's Delight book.
I'm constantly on the lookout for cool little creatures or beautiful flowers to document the delight that God brings me in His creation. I had been thinking this particular morning that it would be so great if I could get a pic of a lizard but wasn't sure if I'd see one. In God's amazing timing, and because of His great love...He caused one to crawl right in front of amazing!

This pic was one that I took Sunday morning....had some trouble sleeping so got up to see the sunrise....
Pretty flowers....God never fails to delight me in the beauty of his flowers!
I love the pictures. But the lizard... not so much! I have an extreme fear of lizards!!! Maybe I should write a blog about it and feature your lizard for my picture ;) Have a good one.
Hey Miss Bethany,
These pics of your fam and the fruit basket and the scenery around where you live are cool. I think Kendra could sell those too. That basket was fun:)
Hi Bethany,
The photos are so beautiful! I love the last one of the flower. Just shows how amazingly creative and awesome our Creator is!
It appears you have a beautiful, loving family, too. I am sorry for the loss of your dear uncle. I'm glad you all have each other, and your heavenly Father, of course, to support and comfort you through the grief and missing of him that you still feel.
God Bless You! ;0)
Miss Bethany,
Thank you for praying for me. It was super scary. I am doing better now, praise the LORD!
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