All it is is 1 container of marshmallow cream whipped together with 1 block of lowfat cream cheese (got to go with the lowfat because you can really eat way to many of them!...my tummy kind of hurts now..have not been able to get off the cream cheese even though I am slightly lactose intolerant!)

This is a little yard decoration that is in my back yard. Very good reminder for me that we do not walk by sight...but by faith! Lord, help me to remember.
My newest pics to go into my God's Delight book...I absolutely LOVE getting these types of photos. It helps change my mood when need be...

This pretty flower is my Hydrangea...it makes me think of my mom because it is called an Hortencia in Portuguese and Spanish (I think)...that's her name :)

These next 2 are already in my little book but I was playing around with my Memory Manager 3 program and figured out that I could add and delete color! That program is so much fun!

great pics...yummy strawberries!! ive missed ya! thanks for the sweet comment girl!
These pics are cool looking-I like the black and whites with splashes of color like that.
Blessings to you,
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