The conference was amazing! The fellowship with my sisters in Christ was also sweet to my soul.
Here I am with my roomies Kay and Julie. We were quite blessed to get a room close to the event center however, we got absolutely no sleep Friday night! (partly due to the smokey conditions of the smoking room and the inability to stop talking!). It was a comfort when Beth shared Saturday morning that she did not sleep either...

Loved the yellow jacket that Beth wore on Friday night...she is always attentive to important things like hair and clothes! But never more than making sure that people get a fresh revelation from God!

A precious long time friend and some new friends....Julie, Sue, Robin, and Tracy

As Julie and I chatted over the weekend, we figured out that we've shared a close friendship for the last 11 years...I thank God for her! She has blessed my life in so many ways.

Part of our group, Julie, Cheryl, don't know this sisters name, Sue, Robin, and Tracy.

The theme was "From Bridezilla to Bride: A 7-Step Makeover".
Beth taught from Revelation 19 about the wedding feast of the Lamb. I love her teaching regardless of what she chooses to teach but this lesson impacted me so deeply. It was very personal and God spoke tenderly to my heart through Beth's messages.
Here are the 7 points on how to go from Bridezilla to Bride
- Have a Fresh Fear of God: Rev. 19:4 talks about the 24 elders and 4 living creatures that are praising God. We are taught to reverence God in such a way that we retain the mystery of revelation. One thing that Beth said was that God is not just into property but into people.
- The Thrill of Gathering: Rev. 19:1, 4, 5, 6 listed all those in attendance at the wedding feast of the Lamb. All in attendance are focused on worshipping the Lord. One interesting thing that I learned was that the redeemed are louder than the angels in the worsip and shouts. Another main point that Beth stressed on was the importance of diversity in the body. We were challenged not to get hung up on the non-essentials but rather, to embrace diversity and to guard against narcicism.
- The Glee of Brideship: Rev. 19: 7 Let us rejoice and be glad. This phrase is only used 2 times in the scriptures. The other occurrence is in Matthew 5:12. It is a salutation that simply means "happy". The word glad denotes excessive joy, dancing, leaping. So rejoice and be glad is joyfully greeting the body of Christ in happiness. Moreso, it is being this way with the Lord. Major truth that Beth shared that I want to remember: THIS TURNS OUT WELL!
- Recapture the Hope of Romance: Psalm 45:11 says "The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord." Other scriptures used that solidified this point were Ecclesiastes 3:11-eternity is set in the hearts of men, Hosea 2:14-20-bethrothal to God forever, Ephesians 5:31-32-it is a mystery, 2 Cor. 4-outwardly we are wasting away, inwardly we are being renewed day by day. Main point: THIS IS OUR FUTURE, IT IS NOT A FAIRYTALE!
- The Priority of Purity: 2 Cor. 6:17 says that he who unites himself with the Lord is one with him in spirit. 1 John 1:9 says that our confession of our sins will result in His forgiveness and the restoration of our purity. Beth encourages us to BELIEVE GOD ABOUT YOURSELF. And that instead of trying to regain innocence, go for integrity instead. Trust that Jesus Christ can change your habits! Remember we are pure in Him.
- The Anticipation of Arrival: Matthew 3:16-17. Heaven was opened at Jesus's baptism and he saw the Spirit of God. No human has seen visible manifestation of the Lord and lived. Rev. 19:11 shows us that we will see. It says that the writer of the revelation saw heaven opened and a rider on a white horse called Faithful and True (Jesus).
- The Power of His Name: Rev. 19:11-16-Faithful and True. He will act in justice for those who love him. Eyes like fire (burning into you like they can look into your very soul...he can). Many crowns on his head signified his power over all. Kings back in time were pictured with as many crowns on their head as empires they ruled. Our King of Kings is the head of all! He also has a name that no one knows. This is so wonderful because there is a name that he will be known by that no one can slander. Rev. 2:17 says that we also have a name that we do not know and is not associated with any of our sinful state. The Word of God (logos: pronounced lawgaus), He will overcome all evil simply by speaking. Powerful! The final name is KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. Full representation of our adoration of him. Beth made a final point that while appreciation is biblical, adoration is for God alone.
Bethie teaching....amazing how much energy, enthusiasm, and excitement wells up in this TINY woman! It was an amazing weekend! I will be forever impacted and changed.
Hey Miss Bethany!:)
Thanks for sharing your notes!! Loved reading about what God had to say through her to you all. These notes and the scriptures I am going to print out and keep:)
Blessings to you today,
Wow, Bethany, I am so jealous! I've seen Beth a couple of times LIVE and she's always so wonderful. Something about seeing her in person makes you feel her passion and enthusiasm for Christ even more!
Thanks for sharing her wonderful message with us!
thanks for sharing your notes....Just blog hopping tonight and enjoyed your blog. Have a Happy 4th!
It's Christy, whose prayer request you responded to on Angie's blog.
Just wanted you to know I'll be praying for your request as well. I can relate in that I have lived in a lot of fear in my life as well - I have learned that since fear isn't one of the fruit of the spirit, I can't listen to it. (Hard to do, easy to say! LOL). God may correct or nudge me, but it will always be done in love, not with fear.
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