This weekend my cousin Stephanie is getting married.
I can't believe it! My little cousin is going to become someone's wife. I am so excited to see her get all dolled up in her beautiful dress and recite her vows to her soon to be husband, Kyle. I'm excited to see family. I'm excited to spend time dancing and celebrating with my loved ones. But, the reason that my heart is full of joy and delight is that I will be spending a few days relishing in what is my opinion, one of the most beautiful places in CA/NV.

How I am anxiously anticipating the special quiet that I am determined to get while there! I am looking forward to spending some special time with God sitting by the lake and taking in His creative display in creation. He knows how it causes my heart to fill with peace when I sit silently in His presence. It is something that I desperately need right now.
As I reflect on life lately, I am learning that this is a place of total surrender and dependence on God. It is a place that, honestly, I've never truly been.
A place that He is teaching me that I need to be in times of prosperity as well as in times of need. With my life turned so completely upside down lately, I thought that I would have an excess of time with my Lord. I had this vision that my time with Him would be so perfect right now because of my release from career responsibility and the extra free time.
However, I can't say that that is how it has been.
I've definately spent some very special one on one time with the Lord since losing my job...I've needed Him but I've not given Him my heart and trust fully. Our relationship has been work. I would love to just rest in him.
This realization is good because right now, 3 days before I leave for one of the most beautiful places in my neck of the woods, I am ready to surrender fully.
I will give the Lord every part of my heart.
I will give the Lord every ounce of my trust.
I will give the Lord every moment of my day.
I will give the Lord every thought that scampers through my mind.
I will give Him my entire being.
No more trying to go at it on my own.
No more seeking my best interest.
No more giving my sinful nature the front seat.
My Jesus has paid dearly for my sin, I can give Him back something worthwile; my surrendered heart.
So in just 3 short days, my heart will be blessed: I WILL SEE THE LAKE but more than that, I WILL GET TO WORSHIP MY JESUS IN A SPECIAL WAY!
I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait!
Be assured, pictures will soon be up of the weekend.
For now, here are my latest attempts to put my new photography knowledge to practice

Picture of crayons: reminds me of childhood!

Love truly is patient. Lord help me to see those you've placed in my life as you do.

Sunlight through tree leaves

Rock and pretty wildflowers at Stan State