Monday, February 16, 2009

Thank you Mr. President!

I am so happy that I live in the great US of A....because I get this whole week off! Aren't I lucky?!!
This is the week known as President's Week here in Ca. and instead of getting Lincoln's Bday and President's Day off (2 consecutive 3 day weekends) we instead get a whole week off of work!
I can't believe that the end of the school year is quickly approaching. After this week I only have to work 7 more weeks and then get the week off for Easter. Then after that I only have to work 6 weeks and then get the whole summer off. I usually work summer school but not this year! I decided at the beginning of the year to have a little extra taken out of my salary each month so that I could have the whole 10 weeks off! I am so excited especially since I just found out that summer school this year is starting 1 week later and goes 1 week longer...that gives those working only 2-3 weeks off before the beginning of the new school year. I just realized that I needed more of an extended break for my emotional health! It was a good call.
This has been one of the most demanding and stressful school years since I started teaching 4 years ago. I have learned so many lessons through it though about waiting on the Lord and about being patient in the struggles. Many lessons about my character too. Who am I when life is moving along smoothly and who am I when the flames of life tend to get a bit hot? God is good and He is always into my growth.
I am thankful for many things and one this week is getting to rest!


Melissa Ens said...

Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog! Fun to be found by another "Valley Girl". : ) I hope you're enjoying your week off... And good call about summer school! I used to be a Kindergarten teacher and with your job you definitely need your time off!!! : ) In the meantime, enjoy the rain!

Richard said...

Wow 10 whole weeks off. I'm sure you'll get a lot of nice Tia Time in. I'm so happy to hear things are going great for you Betty!