Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year's 2009!!!

Happy New Year to all my bloggy friends!
I pray God's blessings over you this new year. Praying that you come to know Him in new and fresh ways as you seek to do His will in your life.
Did you decide to take on any new years resolutions?
I did....(hope that I will be able to stick with it). I've decided that I will choose water before any other drink....I don't drink enough water and have actually become quite sick because of dehydration. This is a problem that I NEED to get a handle on. Figure that there is no better time than the present!
I also am going to work on memorizing scripture. If you are interested in joining can do so by checking out the LPM Blog on this post here. Beth Moore has enlisted the accountability of about 1500 Siestas to join her in scripture memorization. It is a good thing to do and so fun to do so with so many sisters as accountability partners! Check it out.

1 comment:

katiegfromtennessee said...

Hey Miss Bethany:) Yay, more water, reminds me of Him as the Living Water...yay! I am doing the scripture memorization too! My first verse this year is Deut. 6:5(AMP), I looked for yours, but couldn't find it, what's yours?:)

Blessings to you,
