This week was something that filled me with so much joy. It was a perfect way to uplift my spirit, give me purpose, and fill my heart with happiness.
The week was not was quite challenging. But God worked in a mighty way over the course of the week not only in my group, but in me, and in the other 400 plus kids and staff who were on our campus.
My top 10 favorites of Kids Campus at Big Valley Grace:
1. Hearing the angelic voices of over 300 children singing praises to God.
2. My kiddos wanting to sit next to me during chapel, lunch, quiet time, craft time, etc…they just always wanted to be near me.
3. Freeness of spirit that you see in children.
4. How they worship without any thought to how they appear…true worship from the heart.
5. The servant hearts of the junior high and high school students who helped out.
6. Serving with and getting to know my two eighth graders who assisted with the group. They learned so much too!
7. Recreation time!!!! It was CRAZY FUN!
8. Being able to serve my little ones in a tangible way such as making sure they had enough food during lunch. We got to eat family style with me being responsible for serving them.
9. Hearing my 2nd graders pray to our God.
10. Closing chapel when the sanctuary was quiet, low lit, and the cross was in the center of the stage…sitting next to Cauvion (say-v-on) and him asking who the man on the screen was. When I said “Jesus”, he got excited and said, “that’s Jesus?!”. Sweet to see this very distractable little boy quiet himself long enough to think about Jesus!

I can't wait for next year!
That's great Bethany:) You were really blessed by God in that, I can tell:)
HI Bethany,
I met you at BVG's retreat two yrs ago in the parking lot outside our bunks. My name is Kathy White and I remember you coming by yourself that year. I have seen you at church now and then....Usually by the Women Ministry counter. What a joy to read your excitement as you shared a week with the kiddos for VBS...I am sure they walked away as "blessed" hat always goes out to the volunteers.....I so remember my "yester years with VBS". I only wish my grandkids could participate, but they are on the "year round" track and they miss BVG's every year.
My other joy was hearing your excitement for Beth Moore.....I was able to attend the conference in Irvine with a dear friend ( we've known each other for 26yrs).We did so much laughing and crying.....the message was awesome, and the worship electrifiying !!!!! God has so annointed Beth as she lives such a "surrendered life" unto Him alone.
There is going to be a similcast at First Baptist Church Modesto ( recently named the CrossPoint) in Sept....I am sure Womens Ministry will let others know as I sat with Connie Grover a few weeks ago.
I also saw Beth at Fresno....I had written her a letter after I did the study "Believing God". To my surprise she read parts of the letter.....I had such a season of "insecurites". My dear mentor friend was with me, and she knew my life story...She just turned to me that day and said " Kath, she's reading your letter. Its a blessing to see your life come full circle, as I have learned...He alone is my ONE AND ONLY.....
HOpefully this gets to you, I am not much of a blogger, but since I saw your name and face I wanted to repond.....see you around at church...have you gotten a job yet ? blessings, kathy white BVG
what sweet pics!!! We absolutely love serving in VBS each year. It's such an important time. You never know the impact it can have on these children.
in His precious, unfailing love,
~ ~
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