So, we are well into the first month of the new year. I can hardly believe that the end of January is rapidly approaching. Where have the last 2 weeks disappeared to????
During the final weeks of 2009, I decided that I wanted to make some changes in my life. One of them being, to eat better and cook more for myself than to get take-out. have I been doing. Well, not so great.
I had great aspirations of making myself some great meals by now. I even lugged out the many, many cookbooks that I have (have I ever mentioned that I have a weird obsession with pictures of food?!?!). But rather than being inspired, I found myself greatly distressed to the point of slamming those books with pictures of beautifully arranged meals, shut tightly!
It was disturbing!
I was scared into total flight mode. That would be flight from the kitchen, including bowls, measuring cups and spoons, and spices of any kind!
Until tonight.......
I was trying to figure out what to have for dinner that did not have to be eaten in a bowl with a spoon and require about a 1/2 cup of soy milk (have you guessed my typical dinner???).
I, being traumatized by my overachieving goals of "cooking for myself" decided to approach tonights dinner with tiny baby steps....
so, I fixed myself a delicious "Apple, raisin, cinnamon bagel with cream cheese".
Oh, it was oh so good! And it required NO COOKING! I even think that is was a little bit good for me!
Of course, maybe not so great with the sugar filled soda that I washed it down with...but alas, it was not a bowl of cereal!!!
So, without further is my dinner creation for the eveing of January 16, 2010.....

Apple Raisin Spice Bagels. Yummy, yummy, yummy!!!
Hey Bethany:)
That is fun, your dinner did look yummy! Don't give up on trying to cook for yourself! Baby steps are good:) I have had to learn how to cook for my husband and I, I grew up on Hamburger Helper and microwave veggies, but we have to start somewhere, right??:) My easiest meals now are crock pot meals, like the beef stew that comes in a bag or ckn and dumplings that come in a bag from the freezer section of the groc store, you still get mainly meat and veggies!
Hey Miss Bethany!:)
My older sis, Matia, said she got to meet you at the Houston scripture event this past weekend! I am so glad that she got to meet you!!! She said she was blessed to meet you too:) Matia, Jen, you, and I really should try to meet up sometime, that is a great idea!:)
Blessings to you today,
Hi, Bethany! I saw your comment on the LPM blog and wanted to stop over and say hi!! Hope you had an AMAZING weekend! Can't wait to read all about it. It was so great meeting you and hanging out on the balcony!!
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