This is the Tio Juan that I remember....always smiling and saying "Mija, here's some money, go buy yourself a hamburger". The last time I saw him, he did just this. We were in Walgreen's both shopping for cold medicine...he bought mine and gave me the extra 20.00 for hamburgers for Marissa and I. This man along with my Tio Jr. was one of the most giving people I've ever known.
The Lord your God is with you. He is MIGHTY TO SAVE. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17
Sunday, May 31, 2009
One Year Ago Today.....
This is the Tio Juan that I remember....always smiling and saying "Mija, here's some money, go buy yourself a hamburger". The last time I saw him, he did just this. We were in Walgreen's both shopping for cold medicine...he bought mine and gave me the extra 20.00 for hamburgers for Marissa and I. This man along with my Tio Jr. was one of the most giving people I've ever known.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
They Bring Me Delight.....
So to start of the collection....the gal on the left is rememberance and the gal on the right is the thank you girl. I think that they are both cute and I am not at all ashamed to say that I found these two at Goodwill! They actually are quite appropriate because I found them last year after my uncle died and so rememberance reiminds me of him and thank you is just a cute one! You cannot see it but she is holding a bunch of flowers behind her back...very cute and reminds me of when I was a little girl and used to take flowers to my mom or my teacher.
This next angel is the very first one that I received. It is an ornament and I received it from my Tia Eva for Christmas around 4 years ago. I love how she is holding her hands and is ready to clap for joy!
This one I also received from my Tia. She is called "From the Heart". I just think that she is really cute! I am getting my friend Julie started on her own angel collection and gave her this one.
This one is precious to me. I bought this one for myself in an after Christmas sale at Berean Christian Stores. The reason I bought it is that it reminded me of the relationship between Cole and I. I had held him in the early morning hours (woke up crying) just like this the day that I bought it...sweet memory!
I also bought this one for myself....reminder to take everything to the Lord in prayer and to not work ANYTHING in my own strength! It is so very helpful to see this little prayer angel on my counter every morning.
This angel is special to me. It is called "Guardian" and it was given to me by none other than my Tia Eva (thanks Tia!) on the day of my nephew/godson Isaac's baptism. So, this is me and Isaac....very special!
These last 2 pics are my newest to add to my God's Delights book....I love seeing the hand of the Lord in creation. He is so very creative and delights in uniqueness. I must remember this when I feel less than unique and rather commonplace. I am not...I am fearfully and wonderfully made and his purposes for me will be fulfilled! HALLELUJIAH!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Just wanted to let you know that I will no longer be posting pics of my cute little niece and nephews. My sister-in-law is concerned about her kids being able to be viewed on the internet so I need to abide by her wishes that her kids pics not be posted sad, but they are not my children so I won't be able to share anymore :(
I hope that you will continue to read and I'll still post pics of me and friends!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Finished Women's Retreat Notes
Just letting you know that I finally posted the last 2 sessions to our Rest retreat. Because I saved the draft and worked off of it...the post is in the place it would be had I finished it the day I started it. So, if you are interested in reading it is called Rest: Sessions 3 and 4 (or something like that....already forgot what I titled it!).
Have a great Saturday!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Rest Sessions 3 and 4
- We don't truly surrender to God
- We struggle with the other options out there
The blessings or benefits of taking on the yoke of Jesus:
- We get to learn from Jesus
John 16:13-16: "When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. He will bring me glory by telling you whatever he receives from me. All that belongs to the Father is mine; this is why I said, 'The Spirit will tell you whatever he receives from me.'
- We get to experience a gentle and humble master
- We receive rest for our souls
According to Dallas Willard, "Our soul is the ultimate inner depth of our being. It is the inner stream that gives us strength, direction and harmony to every other element in our life."
The word soul means "breath". It is related to when God breathed the breath of life into Adam and caused his heart to start beating in a life sustaining rhythm.
Our souls respond when we are disconnected from God. Damages souls: Matthew 10:28, Psalm 42:5. Broken souls: all of 1Peter. Restored souls: Psalm 23:1-2, Psalm 19.
The lesson learned is that God gives place to pause...stop and get reconnected! He is your life sustainer!
As we go through life, we pick up burdens that we think we can carry. We end up going halfway with them, realize that we cannot handle the load and we give up because we cannot finish.
Another word on yokes, an animal was fitted to his yoke so that the yoke fit perfectly so as not to chaff the animal. When we take on Jesus's yoke, it fits us perfectly. He knows the perfect and best way to teach us and it is going to be just right. It will not bruise us or chaff us.
Matthew 11:25-26, Zephaniah 3:17: The Lord loves us as his children and reveals wise things to us. We are a delight to Him, so much so that He rejoices over us with singing! He takes great pleasure in us.....think on it for a while!
Final thoughts: He has gone before me and will go after me for my lifetime! PRAISE YOU FATHER!
The cross in the meeting area.....interesting note, the ropes and stuff on the cross is a yoke! (not placed by our ladies but already right in God's will for our weekend!)
My sweet friend Robin and I...Had a bit of a dreary morning and she insisted that I stand by the yellow flowers so as to get a little happiness and sunshine in my morning!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Rest: Session 2
In this verse, the word weary means "to toil" and the word burdened means "loaded up".
The people in Jesus's time and before were weary and burdened by the demands placed on them in order to keep the Sabbath holy. The Jewish leaders took the law too much to the extreme with the rules and regulations placed on the people for Sabbath keeping.
The following are examples of things that were not allowed on the Sabbath as it would be considered "work".
- plucking a gray hair was considered "harvesting"
- Taking a bath was not allowed because in the event that water was spilled outside of the tub and had to be mopped up, that would be considered "work"
When God instituted the Sabbath, He intended it to simply be a day of rest. It was a day in which one would cease his/her labor and enjoy what God has done in his/her life.
"Come to me": This is a personal invitation. It requires for us to leave one direction and head in another. One direction that we consistently seek after is worthiness. We have to accept the fact that we are NEVER going to know all the right stuff or how to do everything right. When we are seeking worthiness we get caught up in the "I shoulds...". I should do this, I should do that.....etc.... This mindset will spill over into our relationship with the Lord if we do not guard against it. We find ourselves wanting Jesus to see what we've done right rather than what we are guilty of doing wrong.
Why is this?
- Because grace is revealing. It hurts but we must seek to be authentic with the Lord. Our vulnerability is necessary to our growth.
- Because control is comfortable. We find it very hard to surrender our need to control every aspect of our lives. We feel comfort when we think we have control.
- Because busyness is blinding. When we get caught in the web of busyness, we are blinded to our deeper needs. Not only are we blinded but we blind others as well.
How do we battle against this?
- We give up our need to control when we give up our busyness. When we do this, we go to God in complete authenticity.
Brennan Manning writes that "we truly are paupers at the door of God's mercy". When we realize this nugget of truth, we can enter the Lord's presence and receive his grace afresh.
John 4:1-26, 39-41 (The story of the woman at the it, it is good!)
This woman is living with the burden of hopeless unworthiness. We know this through her actions in this passage.
First, she comes in the heat of the day (vs.6-7). Her main reason for coming at such a time is to avoid social interaction. Little does she know that she is about to engage in the most life changing interaction of her life. Jesus initiates interaction with the woman by asking her for a drink. She canges the course of the discussion by trying to involve him in a discussion of what is customary (asking why a jewish man would be asking a samaritan woman for a drink). Jesus bypasses the customary ways of doing things because he had a plan that he was following. The woman continues to avoid a personal conversation with Jesus. From her example we see that we can get caught up in the practicalities of what needs to be done and miss what Jesus wants to do in our lives. He is there WAITING TO DO A MIRACLE but we often overanalyze it. The conversation between Jesus and the woman begins to become more personal as he confronts her with her reality. (asking her to go and get her husband). She responds with partial authenticity. She is not totally forthcoming with Christ but she is truthful (states that she does not have a husband). Jesus seizes this opportunity to engage the woman more. He waits until there is an open window of opportunity. As hurt humans, we often do not like to talk about personal issues. It is a comfort to us to know that our Lord and Savior respects our uncomfortableness and seeks to engage us despite it. With the woman, he seeks a window of opportunity to get to the level of intimacy that he needs in order to change her life. She is a tiny bit authentic with Christ and He fully discloses himself to her. This teaches us that when we are the least bit authentic with Jesus, he responds! He wants authenticity. As a result of her interaction with Christ, the woman is changed/transformed. She no longer isolates herself. As a matter of fact, she goes and shares the good news with those she initially hid herself away from.
Final thought: Jesus hangs in there with Him and step out in total authenticity. He will comfort you, protect you, refresh you , and satisfy you!
Jeremiah 31:25- "I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint."
Friday, May 1, 2009
BVG Women's Retreat: Rest Session 1
So...last weekend I went to Koinonia Conference Grounds for my 2nd annual Women's Retreat with BVG. The theme for the retreat was "Rest"...and ladies, may I just add that I needed rest more than anything else! It was so AMAZING! Such a great time of relaxation, rest, rejuvination, worship and fellowship with some of the sweetest sisters in the body! God spoke to me in so many wonderful ways (lots of laughter and lots of tears)....I am awed again and again how He speaks to me and helps me to understand Him and His ways.
I'd like to recap the weekend's sessions. I hope that it blesses you as much as it did me!
Theme Verse: Matthew 11:28
Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your weary souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
Session 1- "Come to me"
Invitations: God is extending us an invitation to come to him.
What invitations have I received in my lifetime?
- marriage proposal
- wedding invitations
- baby shower invitations
- birthday invitations
- invitation to enter into relationship with my Heavenly Father
The first question to ask is "Who is inviting me?"
Colossians 1:15: "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation."
Hebrews 1:3: "The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven."
Jesus is everything we can see and everything we cannot see. We should not take his invitation lightly, because it is kingly!
Luke 19:1-9: This is the story of Zaccheus (read's great!)
- The invitation Zacch received was totally unexpected. He came to see Jesus thinking that he was only going to be an observer.
- The invitation Zacch received was personal. When Jesus reached the spot where Zacch had climbed up to see him, he looked up and called our brother by name. John 10:14 "I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me-". This verse states that Jesus knows us name. He enters our most personal places. He wants to transform us. Jesus tells Zacch that he wants to "stay" in his house today. The meaning of the word "stay" in this passage means "to lodge, take up residence." Jesus was not just coming for a quick visit. He had serious business to work through with Zacchaeus.
- The invitation that Zacch received demands a response. Zacch comes down at once and comes gladly. In verse 8 we find that Zacch was repentant. This was a heart response to Jesus extending an invitation to him. His repentant heart followed by action to remedy what he had done wrong was extreme. By law he was only supposed to return 20% more of the goods lost. If he had been guilty of theft of an animal he would have been required to return 4 or 5 times the amount of the value of the animal. We can see from the text that Zaccheaus considered his sin theft as he returned 4 times the amount that he had taken from the people.
So....the question is: How am I responding to Jesus' invitation to me?
- With joy?
- With repentance?
- With action?
Side note on Zaccheaus: His name means "Righteous One". Before his encounter with Jesus he had been marginalized. After his encounter with the Savior, he has been restored spiritually.
Final thought: Respond to the invitation that Christ is extending to me!
John 7:37 "Jesus stood and shouted to the crowds 'Anyone who is thirsty may come to me!'.
So, girlfriends....what invitation is Jesus extending to you???? Are you thirsty? Do you need restoration?....If so, run to Jesus, he is extending an invitation to you that you cannot miss out on! He says to come to him and he will give you get your running shoes on and get going!