Tonight I had the joy of attending my 3rd Building 429 concert since last August. My cousin Becky and her daughter Marissa joined me on this concert night. I know that Becky enjoyed the concert as did Marissa although her demeanor did not always suggest this! I don't think that we can place any blame on her as she is 13 and that in itself should be excuse enough!!!
The band was once again amazing! They are so fabulous and we were especially blessed tonight because they agreed to do this concert at YC for free! Of course a love offering was taken so that this band can continue on with making great music!
The lead singer of the band gave a testimony about visiting Nicaragua and meeting a little boy named Michael. Meeting Michael completely changed his world and caused him to truly "see" how important it is that we show the love of Christ to those who are less fortunate than we. Mr. Lead man visited an area of Nicaragua where the people had to walk 5 miles back and forth in order to get clean, disease free water. Because of an organization called World Vision, the little village where Michael lives a well was dug and they people now have the ability to get water right there in their village. They no longer have to walk the 10mile round trip just to provied thier babies and families with clean water! We so take it for granted, don't we? I know that I certainly do. How easy it is for me to simply turn on the faucet in the kitchen, bathroom, and outside and let water flow freely, even wastefully sometimes. As some you may know, I sponser 2 little children through these orgainizations (WV, and Compassion International). Their names are Barnabas and Nathalia. Barnabas is in Africa and Nathalia is in Brazil. I get so much joy from supporting and praying for these children and their families. It is so not about the money...believe me! The joy of showing the love of Christ to complete strangers is a precious gift and I am so honored to be able to serve the Lord in this way!
Here's a question for what way has God allowed you to serve others and how has it changed/affected your life? You don't have to support a child across the may be simply providing a box of crackers for that lonely old man that you see outside the walmart. It may also be chasing after your nieces and nephews. Or maybe your in the field of teaching like I am and realize that we are serving our students each and every day. We just don't always recognize it.
Some food for thought for you all.
Here are some pictures from the evening.
Becky and Marissa
Bethany and Becky
Mr. Lead Singer of Building 429
It's your turn to sing crowd.....