Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sleep and God

I have trouble sleeping.
I don't have trouble getting to sleep but rather, staying asleep.
I don't know why.
I don't like it.
I wish that I could just sleep like a baby. No care in the world, no sin on my mind, no ache in my bones.

I have trouble sleeping.

As I was thinking of what verse to memorize for these 2 weeks I stumbled on Psalm 121. It is a part of scripture that I've heard many times. It is a Psalm that I attempted (well, not completely) to memorize when I went through the study "Stepping Up".

In it is a little nugget; a verse about God not sleeping.

It just dawned on me this morning, God knows what it is like to have a sleepless night. Not that He needs sleep like I do. But He knows.
And further, He is awake when I am waking up hour after hour.
In the darkness, when I awake and cannot fall back asleep, when my emotions are frayed, and my tiredness is making me miserable, God is there for me to talk to.

To remedy my sleep problems I've tried many things.

Warm milk.
Hot bath.
Soothing music.
Read until my eyes burn.
Chamomille tea.
TV on.

and last but should be first,


I find that after I am so worn out and my emotions strung out I turn to God. I don't know why it is that I turn to Him last, when I know that He is there with me through the struggle.

He is there.

He is not sleeping because for one, He does not need to but probably more importantly, because He wants to watch over me.

So, the next time I have trouble drifting off into LaLa land or I am waking up when I should be sleeping, I'll remember to open the conversation lines with my Father who does not sleep or slumber.

"I lift my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you WILL NOT SLUMBER. BEHOLD, HE WHO KEEPS ISRAEL WILL NEITHER SLUMBER NOR SLEEP." Psalm 121:1-4