Well, here we are on the second posting of a verse for the SSMT (siesta scripture memory team). I had a harder time this go round of chosing a verse that spoke to my life. I spent a considerable amount of time this morning searching and searching for a verse. Usually, God gives me a verse without much trouble but this time that was not to be. I don't know why...could blame it on my weird mood lately...kind of disconnected. But I am learning that nothing is wasted when I give it to God and I've been trying to give those feeling over to him.
He is so good to me and I know that He is molding me into His image. Working on my character and producing hope within my heart. I almost chose to memorize the verse from Romans 5 that says that suffering produces endurance and that endurance produces character and that character produces hope. What I love is that it goes on to say that hope does not put us to shame (or as another version state, does not disappoint) because God's love has been poured into our hearts. I just may have to really meditate on this verse too!
But, alas, the verse that I've chosen to marinate in for the next two weeks is this:
No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, FULLY CONVINCED that God was able to do what he had promised.
I chose this verse because I need to be reminded that my faith is a constant and daily choice. I have to chose to trust God with everthing in my life each and every day. Sometimes, each and every hour. And on occasion, each and every minute.
I will confess, I struggle with distrust. Distrust of people and sadly enough, distrust of my Lord. I am trying so hard to trust Him with everything but it is hard. I think that it is in part connected to injuries of the soul that we all experience but I also think that it is connected to my sinful heart at times. I just don't want to trust God because trusting God means giving up what I want. It is a walk toward less and less selfishness. It is something that I do desire but really, the sinful man within me fights it.
God has made me a promise, one that involves my blessing, my freedom, my healing. If I would but trust him and not waver in my faith, I will become fully convinced that He will prove himself faithful!
Lord do it!